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Economic Vitality Planning & Management

Drawing on two decades of economic development leadership in the dynamic Boulder, Colorado, entrepreneurial ecosystem, First Flatiron Consulting specializes in economic vitality planning and management. The firm serves economic development organizations, consulting firms with economic development clientele, corporations, entrepreneurs, and educational institutions.


What is economic vitality?

It’s fundamentally about people and place. It’s about the vitality of people who live and work in a community.  And it’s about the quality of place – the environment and culture, schools and healthcare, businesses and industries, housing, mobility, recreation, and more – that inspires people to pursue their aspirations. 

Economic vitality programs build on the strengths of a community, commonly focusing on essential priorities: nurturing the talents of people whose skills and networks fuel economies; reinforcing the ecosystems that empower innovation, entrepreneurship, new ventures, and entire industries; and cultivating leadership dedicated to sustaining the unique vitality of a community over time, among other important goals.

First Flatiron Consulting looks forward to talking with you about the strengths of your community and how we can assist in your economic vitality program.

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